Daemon X Machina Attachment Slots

Just things that I found out way too late, and which would’ve been helpful hours ago, and which I hope will prove helpful to others.

Daemon X Machina Beginners Guide (Tips & Tricks)

Weapon or armor must have a slot. Dragon Spear-Assassin(Defensive type)Easy Solo(Chasm of Abyss-Ancient gods ) Steam - Duration: 2:46. Ray sin 148 views. Daemon X Machina is a third-person shooter action game developed and published by Marvelous. It was released for the Nintendo Switch on September 13, 2019 and later Microsoft Windows on February 13, 2020. For Daemon X Machina on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled '3 Slot Boss Weapons'.

Getting out of your Arsenal

  • While running the missions where you explore the facility you might have come across doors that are not fully open and where your Arsenal can’t fit through. Disembark your mech by pressing the Y Button on your controller or G on your Keyboard.

Getting Attachment Chips

  • Did you know that you can remove Attachment chips from various equipment items and then use them on your own? I did not. So go ahead, remove all the chips and then sell your junk.
  • To remove the chips go to the Factory > Costumize Equipment > Choose the armor/weapons you want to modify, and then remove the chips.

Getting some starter equipment

  • You just started the game, but all of your equipment sucks?
  • You can run the ‘Explore the Underground facility’ mission solo rather easily for some good equipment at the beginning of the game.
  • Also when fighting immortals in Free Missions will there always be a downed Arsenal spawned with some equipment you can pillage. Its good for farming if you can take them down.

Femto Stances

DId you know that you can use various stances to enhance yourself, but you need at least 200 femto to actually use them and they all recharge independently.

You can switch through the stances with the up and down key on your controller.

The Stances are:

Up Key
Attack – Speed – Defense

Down Key
Defense – Speed – Attack

Attack Stance
This stance doubles the damage you deal, but each shot drains some of the bar. It at least seems to double the damage.

Defense Stance
You absorb damage. Consider it like a shield. Unfortunately it does not protect against procced acid. However, you can activate the shield and dash through an acid room to avoid the initial proc for a few seconds.

Your speed picks up by a huge amount and you no longer drain stamina while sprinting. Neat! Perfect for escaping hairy situations or just catching up.

Learn those stances. They will help you in battles.


As Management in the comments down below pointed out, is knockback a two edged sword.

On one hand when an enemy Arsenal is knocked back they are out on the ground and unable to move.

In some missions that might spell instant win because of water or other surface dangers that will instantly kill them. In other missions you can just knock them back endlessly.
However, when doing Co-op, be aware of when your opponent is knocked down because while they are knocked down they can not be hurt. So do not waste your ammo.

On the other hand does the same apply to you, so if you get thrown back you got some invulnerability to enjoy.

Coming to a Mission Unarmed

There will be a time when you are asked to come unarmed to a mission. That means you need to unequip all of your weapons in the right and left hand, shoulder, auxilery, and the pylons.

That is all said, as anything more would be spoilers.


Eat your icecream. Doesn’t matter if you do it regularily before every mission or not. Good things will come to you.

Lock On Time & Other Stats

Did you know that Lock-On-Time and other stats, but mainly lock-on-time are affected by memory capacity of yours? And I do not mean just the head.

Press X on your controller or F on your keyboard to cycle to a more detailed stat page and there you can see that equipping various items will raise or lower your lockdown time. Yes, even legs and arms can reduce or raise that time.

It all depends on how much memory you are using.

X-Support Stats

As many of you may have come across the arms and wonder “What does exactly the ‘Fire Rate support’ stat do?”, well, here are some answers.

They are a multiplicator to your weapon.

I am assuming that 100 = base and no change.
So, a 110 gives you a 10% bonus.
A 90 gives you a 10% malus.


Fire Rate Support
How fast you can fire your guns. Aka, Firerate.

Shot Delay Support:
Some laserguns have a Shot Delay between various shots. This reduces this delay.

Reload Support:
How quick the gun reloads.

Daemon X Machina Demo

Precision Support:
How accurate the gun is.

Throwing Performance:
Only useful if you throw a lot of debris and stuff. Otherwise, ignore it.

Melee Performance:
Added bonus to melee attacks. Possibly damage, range, etc. Not exactly clear.

So what does that exactly mean?

Lets say you have a fire rate Support of 200, that means your gun should fire at double the normal fire rate. That 160 fire rate assault rifle is now firing at 320 instead.

Head Bonus:

Heads have a Firing Support stat, which seems to be added as a percentage bonus to the total stats.

Defense Stats

So you may come across armor pieces that have high defense but feature rather low bullet/laser defense. Now you might wonder, what does that mean?

You’d assume that a weapon with high laser defense would be good against lasers, and you are partially right.

If you look at Bullet weapons you see two damage stats.

Damage & Bullet Damage.

The enemy in turn has Defense & Bullet defense.

If their bullet defense is lower, then they take more damage, and vice versa.
The same with Laser weapons who have a Laser damage Stat.

Sadly t exactly privy to the formula that is used to calculate damage, so i can’t tell you exactly how good which piece of armor is and what is better in the long run.

But consider this:

If the enemy has high bullet protection, then a weapon with high bullet damage will be less effective.

On the other hand, if your gun has high base damage and less bullet, you might be able to catch him by surprise and deal more damage.

Sight Size

Your various heads have different stats for their sight size.

Stuff like: R399 or S760:377

R means a circle with X radius,
S gives you a square with I believe the first number being your width and the second height.

Now, if you want to be up close a bigger R or S might be useful, as they will keep a target locked on, but if you are fighting from a medium distance with rockets or assault rifles you might be able to go with a smaller vision.

It’s end. I hope “Daemon X Machina Beginners Guide (Tips & Tricks)” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.

Daemon X Machina Attachment Slots Download


More of this sort of thing:

I made a table for Daemon X Machina v. 1.00
Be careful with (Boss) One Hit Kill, If you kill something that is not actually killable, you may have to restart the mission.Daemon X Machina Attachment Slots
You cant freeze the Return base timer, but you can change it to 60 over and over again

Daemon X Machina Pc

SpoilerTable include:
  • Roboter:
    • VP
      Max Stamina

    • Femto

    • Shoulder Ammo
      One Hit Kill
      Boss OHK (Can destroy mission)
      Current Ammo
      Max Ammo

    • Crew Health

    • Return Base Timer
      Mission Time
      Area Timer

    • Money

    • Area Timer
      Mission Time

    • Stamina used
      Damage Timer
      Current Shoulder ammo
      Current Femto
      Max Stamina
      Player Health
      Current Money

    • Current/Max Stamina
      Current/Max Grenades
      Current/Max Femto
      Current/Max Traps
      Weapon Ammo


Daemon X Machina Review

Daemon Machina X Switch

SpoilerUpdate 5:
Added Unlimited + Unlock all Attachments
Update 4:
Added Human Femto,Traps,Greandes,Ammo,Stamina
Added Human Pointers
Added Area timer
  • No errors in Crew health script.

Update 3:
Added Return Base Timer
Added Pointers for Stamina,Damage,Shoulder Ammo,Femto,Max Stamina,Player Health, Mission Time, Current Money
Update 2:
Added Unlimited Armor Durability
Added Unlimited Damage Timer
Update 1:
Added Unlimited Shoulder Ammo

Have fun
How to use this cheat table?

Daemon X Machina Attachment Slots Online

Daemon X Machina Part List

  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1