Ebay Slot Machine Policy
- Ebay Slot Machine Policy Online
- Ebay Slot Machine Policy History
- Ebay Slot Machine Policy Definition
- Ebay Slot Machine Policy Tool
One Arm Bandit Casino Slot Machine Accepts Coins And Bills. Learn more - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in new window or tab. Seller information. If you don't follow our item condition policy for returns, you may not receive a full refund.
As the sale and ownership of slot machines is restricted by some state laws, it's important to follow our guidelines.
What is the policy?
- Where a current licence or permit has been issued to the seller by the Gambling Commission. The holder of a current licence or permit must clearly state that they are licensed by the Gambling Commission and prominently display their licence or permit number at the top of the individual listing
- Where there is no opportunity to win a prize (for example: machines that are non functional). Sellers should note that removing or disconnecting a component(s) of a functional gaming machine in order to sell it on eBay does not render the machine non-functional for the purpose of this exemption
- If you collect gaming machines as a private individual and you want to sell, supply, repair, install or maintain a single machine you need a single machine permit from the Gambling Commission
Additional Information
Ebay Slot Machine Policy Online
The sale, supply, installation, adaption, maintenance and repair of a gaming machine (also known as fruit or slot machine) is prohibited unless the appropriate licence or permit has first been obtained from the Gambling Commission. Under the Gambling Act 2005, a gaming machine is defined as a machine which is designed or adapted for use by individuals to gamble (whether or not it can also be used for other purposes). Therefore, eBay will generally not permit the listing of gaming machines on the site.
The Gambling Commission publishes details of operators who have applied for licences and those that have been granted an operating licence. You can search for details of operators whose licences have been granted and applicants for a licence using the link below. Whilst an application is pending the Gambling Commission give applicants the opportunity to ask for confidentiality if there are good reasons. As a result it may not provide comprehensive details of every application the Gambling Commission has received. Use the operator search to find licensees.
Ebay Slot Machine Policy History
Activity that doesn't follow eBay policy could result in a range of actions including for example: administratively ending or cancelling listings, hiding or demoting all listings from search results, lowering seller rating, buying or selling restrictions, and account suspension. All fees paid or payable in relation to listings or accounts on which we take any action will not be refunded or otherwise credited to your account.
The Gambling Commission may also investigate you for offences under the Gambling Act 2005 relating to the sale and supply of gaming machines. eBay cooperates with law enforcement agencies including the Gambling Commission and will assist any agency investigating the illegal sale of gaming (slot/fruit) machines upon verified request.
Visit Seller Help to find details of any policy issues with your account or listings, and get the information you need to quickly resolve them.
Why does eBay have this policy?
This policy helps sellers and buyers follow important government regulations relating to the sale of slot machines.
eBay will not generally permit the listing of coin-operated slot machines on its Web site. The sale of coin-operated slot machines is regulated or forbidden in most circumstances in Malaysia, taking into account the presence of gambling elements in such machines. Out of respect for these laws, eBay will not generally permit the listing of coin-operated slot machines on its Web site.
Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:
Loss of eBay fees
Loss of PowerSeller status
Exception to the slot machine policy:
Non-coin-operated slot machines: Slot machines that do not accept or pay out coins or currency and strictly used as a toy may be listed on eBay regardless of their age.
Ebay Slot Machine Policy Definition
In Malaysia, the provision of “public entertainment” is required to be in “an approved place” and in accordance with a licence issued by the relevant authorities. Public Entertainment includes “any machine or device by the manipulation of which chances are given of obtaining prizes in money or kind” and would include slot machines.
In Malaysia, it is an offence for any private lottery to be conducted without a permit. This includes the operation of any gaming machines (such as those that dispense winnings based on chance, via credits or tokens that can be exchanged for cash or prizes) without a permit. For the installation of gaming or jackpot machines, an application for a permit should be made to the Unit Kawalan Perjudian of the Ministry of Finance at Perbendaharaan Malaysia, Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan, No. 5, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62592 Putrajaya. For more information, see the Lotteries Act 1852 (Revised 1983), Common Gaming Houses Act 1953 (Revised 1983) and Betting Act 1953 (Revised - 1992).
Further, under the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953 (Revised 1983), every common gaming house has been declared to be a public nuisance contrary to law. The act of gaming as well as assisting in the carrying on of a public lottery; or selling or offering for sale any lottery ticket is also an offence. A police officer may arrest without warrant any person found gaming in a public place and seize all instruments or appliances for gaming found.
Ebay Slot Machine Policy Tool
eBay urges its sellers and buyers to comply with all governmental laws and regulations. Since the use and operation (and ownership) of slot machines is prohibited in Malaysia, or may cause harm to eBay or its members, sellers are generally not permitted to list them on eBay.